Our services.

Inducing Lactation/Relactation

Ask any nursing parent why they’ve chosen to breastfeed and they’ll probably tell you about the benefits for the baby, the parent and the family. They will also talk about the joy and satisfaction of meeting baby’s needs for food, protection, and security through breastfeeding. Parents who give up after a difficult start may miss this experience, and want to try again! Or, when a much-longed-for baby is adopted, born by surrogacy, or partners wish to share the experience, the reasons for breastfeeding can be just as, if not more, powerful and compelling. Even without having been pregnant, or taking a break from nursing for a while, you CAN make milk for your little one!

For inducing lactation, ideally, we will work together to develop a complete plan before the arrival of your little one, including preparing your body to make milk, pumping/milk expression schedules, etc. Once baby arrives, we can help with anything else you might need, like latch and positioning, transitioning from bottle to breast, or continuing to pump and offer baby a bottle.

If you are trying to bring your milk supply back after a period of stopping nursing or pumping, we will develop a plan that suits your unique needs, discuss what to expect from your body during this process, and create a strategy for how to meet your baby’s and your own needs as you work to relactate.

Generally, an initial inducing lactation/relactation consult takes about 60 to 90 minutes. Though each inducing lactation/relatation journey is unique, we will generally discuss:

  • any medical conditions which may affect lactation

  • what to expect as far as a timeline based on your unique circumstances

  • how to acquire a high quality pump

  • when/how to start pumping or hand expressing

  • techniques for expressing your milk

  • how to offer baby a bottle in a way that complements nursing at the breast

  • how to use an at-breast supplementer so baby can nurse as soon as they are in your arms, even if your milk supply isn’t quite there yet

  • how to continue to increase supply once baby is at the breast

  • how to achieve a comfortable and effective latch

  • how to define your own successful journey

  • whatever else might be on your mind!

In-home: $225

Travel fee: $30 if over 30-minutes travel time

Virtual: $200